In my little experience as a preacher for about 27 years, as a lecturer and now a full time pastor, I’ve never seen a person who knows everything and has need of none else. If workers have to form a trade union to secure a status for their business, how much more for pastors who preach from the same Bible to usher people to one heaven!
GMF is that association that every pastor, prophet, apostle or minister of the Gospel should willingly join. I’ve served the Body of Christ through the activities of this vision right from inception and I’m confident that God ordained it to preserve, protect and prosper the Church in Cameroon.

Apt. John Numbe, President/Founder

Reconciliation Ministry (REMI) Worldwide

We are bus drivers (Pastors, Evangelists, Bishops, Apostles, Teachers of the Word of God, etc) in a company called the “Body of Christ,” loading and conveying passengers (ie. saved souls) from the wide road of hell through the narrow thorny road to heaven. The buses have the same trade mark – Christians; but different immaticulation plates – Denominations. The narrow road is rough and filled all along with highway robbers (ie. powers of darkness, witches and wizards, occultists, etc.) all headed by Satan, the devil. To make sure we and our passengers arrive safe, it will be safe we drive in a convoy. This is where the necessity of the Gospel Miniters’ Forum (GMF) comes in. You can’t miss to be part of this convoy. In this way, your vehicle and the passengers therein will be more secured.

Pastor Tanifum Gideon Che

Regional Overseer Deeper Life Bible Church

GMF Buea is the Gathering of Talented and Anointed Men and Women of God with Vision and Purpose pregnant enough to change lives and Destiny for the Kingdom Expansion. Joining the Divine Crew is adding value to your life and Ministry. Don’t miss this lifetime Opportunity

Rev. Okala Dieudonné Bienvenu,

District Supervisor, Full Gospel Mission (FGM)

Gospel Ministers’ Forum is a platform worth belonging to. It’s made up of men and women of God highly anointed by the Spirit of God and with diverse spiritual gifts for the dissemination of the Word of God in the city of Buea. You need them and they need you also for a common goal – the expansion of the kingdom of God.
Thank you in advance for joining us for this purpose.

Pastor David Ayong

Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI)

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