Gospel Ministers' Forum

Gospel Ministers’ Forum is out to unite pastors of Pentecostal, Evangelical, Protestant and Charismatic backgrounds into One FELLOWSHIP to build the Body of Christ.  

Welcome to GMF Website

The Gospel Ministers’ Forum (GMF) came about through a revelation.

The Lord Jesus Christ in his prayer for all believers in John 17:21, said: “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.” The psalmist in Psalms 133:1 described the importance of brethren dwelling together saying: “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Lots of other scriptures could be cited about unity in the Body of Christ; yet the Body of Christ is still too divided. Everyone at his own end trying to do ministry. We believe God has called us to solidify this unity in the Body of Christ in Buea and beyond. We are called to preserve, protect, and prosper the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, the church of God and the Ministers of the Gospel. Join us to preserve God’s heartbeat, which is the unity of His Church.

Rev. Nkweta Benjamin
President, GMF Buea

Induction Service Highlights



> Unite pastors, Clergymen, Churches/Ministers in one fellowship to form the body of Christ.

> Assist the Government organize Christian bodies and curb excesses.

> Empower Pastors to grow up their Churches/Ministries to the Glory of God.

Mission & Vision

GMF has as mandate, to protect and preserve the preaching on the authentic and undiluted word of God in the city, confront and correct falsehood and help enhance the lives of the ministers. It is there to serve as elders at the gate, promote soul-winning and nation-building. 

From Ezra 6:14(NIV), we need “elders” in the land who will build and prosper the CHURCH (the Body of Christ). 
From Rom. 1:16, We need leaders who will project THE GOSPEL as the only means and power of God unto salvation ( Freedom from every sin and its consequences). 

 Unite pastors, Clergymen, Churches/Ministers in one fellowship to form the body of Christ.

Assist the Government organize Christian bodies and curb excesses;

Empower Pastors to grow up their Churches/Ministries to the Glory of God.

To preserve, protect and prosper the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Church of God and the Minister of the Gospel. Ezra 4:14 (NIV) and Rom. 1:16
